This family checklist is checklist to help the process move quickly and efficiently. Please start with the largest family first and perhaps any difficult situations first. For example, if you have grandparents who are disabled or young children who need a nap let get them done first. Then work from LARGEST groups to SMALLER groups. Please assign a family member or two to help us run the checklist. Here is a sample checklist:

Smith Side:

  1. Bride, Groom, Mom, Dad, Paul, Mark, Will, Susan, Mary, John, Grandma, Grandpa

  2. Bride, Groom, Grandma, Grandpa

  3. Bride, Grandma

  4. Bride, Grandpa

  5. Bride, Groom, Mom, Dad, Paul, Susan

  6. Bride, Groom, Mom, Dad

  7. Bride, Mom, Dad

  8. Bride, Mom

  9. Bride, Dad

Johnson Side:

  1. Groom, Bride, Mom, Dad, Bill, Jake, Sarah, Paul, Grandma, Grandpa

  2. Groom, Bride, Grandma, Grandpa

  3. Groom, Grandma

  4. Groom, Grandpa

  5. Groom, Bride, Mom, Dad, Bill,

  6. Groom, Bride, Mom, Dad

  7. Groom, Mom, Dad

  8. Groom, Mom

  9. Groom, Dad

  10. etc.

As far as formatting please keep it as simple as possible.  Sending as a plain email with bullet points is perfect.  Please do not use an excel document.

*IMPORTANT: Please note that we follow this checklist carefully. Every family grouping that you want included should be noted. This includes things such as Bride, Mom or Groom, Brother, etc.  The reason this is important and cannot be assumed is because we don’t always know about the strains of some relationships or what is truly a photo you want taken.  We recommend keeping the total number of groupings between 15 and 20.  An average timeframe per grouping is 1.5 to 2 minutes sometimes more for larger groups.

*ALSO IMPORTANT: Please do not provide an all day checklist of possible combinations of every photo you might possibly want. We cover your day very nicely and get almost every possible combination of your wedding party and all the key moments of your day. Providing an extensive checklist can drain the creativity out of your photographer. That said, if you have a very important photo you or even a handful I suggest making it part of your family photo checklist and ask these people to hangout during the family photos so we are sure to capture it for you.
