I met my precious wife Heather while attending Moody Bible Institute and fell head over heels in love. I was ready to be married way before she was. Then tragedy struck. When she was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) in December, 1993 she told me she would understand if I wanted to break up with her. To me, this was like taking a hot knife through butter for my heart.
A few months later, we were married on May 16, 1994. Our ceremony was very small and very casual. Just her parents, my parents and her siblings. Even though we were married on a shoestring budget Heather spent an incredible amount of time and energy finding just the right shoes. :)

Heather's MS has progressed to an unimaginable paralysis, but through our faith in Jesus Christ she keeps a strong attitude and ministers to everyone around her. She is one of the most gracious and thoughtful individuals I know.

Other stuff? Well, I started taking an interest in art when I was very young. I loved to draw and paint. When my parents took me to the store I would always go through the office supplies and arts section and just hang out.
Photography came much later in life and pretty much coincides with the digital era. Photography combines my love for art and techiness with my affinity for people. After shooting my first wedding in 2005 I found myself addicted to the organized chaos and unbridled happiness and haven't looked back since.
In sports I enjoy seeing how far I can push myself. In addition to basketball and racquetball I have participated in triathlons, marathons, the Iron Man and a bike race called Race Across America.

Well, enough about me. Please email me and let me know about you and your story together. My email is matt@mattmasonphotography.com. Or give me a call: 262.745.4000.